Stay Connected With Get Broadband + TruConnect

We partnered up with TruConnect in helping people stay connected during the COVID-19 pandemic with Free Wifi Device + Free Broadband Services for 12 months through the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program.

What is the Get Broadband + TruConnect Program?

Get Broadband is a sponsored program through TruConnect that provides free in home wifi device + wifi hotspot for qualifying low-income households. Your household is eligible if your family or yourself falls under ONE of these categories below:

Free Internet Hotspot Device For 12 Months Here!

Only one service and or one device is allowed per household. To receive the connected device at no cost, consumers need to enroll in the Get Broadband + TruConnect Program to determine what devices you or your family are eligible for.

Once approved, the program lasts for 12 months depending by product service and geographical location. You will receive a free hotspot device able to connect up to 9 devices. Total value of service is valued at over $1,000 at no cost to you.

Receive Your Benefit

Step 1
Check If You Qualify
See if your household fits into any eligible categories
Step 2
Apply for the Emergency Broadband Benefit
Step 3
Find a Broadband Provider Near You
Use our search tool to find a company that offers Emergency Broadband Benefit discounts

See If You Are Eligible Here

Check If You Qualify

See if your household fits into any eligible categories. Over 85% of applicants qualify.

Apply for Get Broadband

Choose how you want to apply and submit all necessary documents

Get Approved In Less Than 24 Hours

The Get Broadband + TruConnect program is here for a limited amount of time. Act now to get no cost broadband services